Perfex - Powerful Open Source CRM by MSTdev Nulled

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Telegram Staff
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Feb 5, 2023
Saudi Arab

Perfex CRM is self-hosted Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer, or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Perfex CRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time.

Managing customers is important and Perfex CRM helps in several ways:
  • Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature.
  • Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized.
  • Build professional, great-looking estimates and invoices.
  • Powerful support system with the ability to auto-import tickets.
  • Track time spent on tasks and bill your customers. Ability to assign multiple staff members on task and track timer per assigned staff.
  • Add task followers even if the staff is not a project member. The staff member will be able to track the task progress without accessing the project.
  • Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto-import leads from email, add notes, and create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop.
  • Create good-looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales.
  • Records your company/project expenses and has the ability to bill your customers and auto convert to invoice.
  • Know more about your customers with powerful CRM.
  • Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.
  • Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.
  • Create announcements for your staff members and customers.
  • Use the Contracts feature to lock in current and future sales.
  • Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads, and more.
  • Receive payments from Paypal and Stripe in different currencies.
  • Tons of configurable options.
  • Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature.
  • Separated media folder for non-admin staff members to work inside the CRM and organize their uploads and files.
  • Great looking calendar for each staff member based on staff permissions.
  • Follow-ups, reports, notes, files, and many more features.

CRMs need to focus on customers and Perfex CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system and customer reminders. Assign reminders to yourself, one or many staff members and with one click, reminders can be sent to email and in-app notification system. These features and more can take customer satisfaction to the next level. Perfex CRM has many features designed to fit many applications. Read more about the features below and try the demo to see how Perfex CRM can help you succeed.

1. Customers
Easily manage your customers and their contacts, create multiple contacts for your customers, and set proper permissions. The customer area is fully separated from the admin area. Clients have their own client portal with all financial data from your company presented in clear view.

2. Invoices
Perfex allows you to keep track of your invoices, and items and generate reports. Add new currencies, using multiple currencies is allowed by previously set up customer currency. The invoice with a different tax based on the item.

3. Recurring Invoices
Create recurring invoices that will be re-created automatically without you lifting a finger, based on the specified period for the recurring invoice. The period time could be days, weeks, months, or years.

4. Recurring Expenses
Creating recurring expenses. Set up a recurring expense and the expense will automatically be re-created after the specified period. The period of time could be days, weeks, months, or years

5. Estimates
Create an estimate within a minute, sent it to your customers and wait to accept, add notes for better organization for your next actions, and create reminders. Ability to auto-convert the estimate to invoice after the customer accepts.

6. Proposals
Create good-looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Receive a notification when the proposal is accepted/declined and auto send thank you an email to your customer after accepting the proposal. Proposal overdue notice before X days available.

7. Online Payments
Receive payments from Paypal, Stripe, Mollie,, 2Checkout, PayU Money, and Braintree, we have implemented payment gateways that are available in most countries.

8. Projects
Manage projects and track time spent on projects for each staff member. Record project expenses and invoices and bill your clients faster. Professional Gantt Chart included for each project and staff member.

9. Milestones
Create milestones for projects and track time spend based on milestones. Ability to Drag and Drop tasks between milestones.

10. Leads
Leads or potential clients are a really important part of any company. Every company tries every day to get new leads. Very often happened some potential client call and ask for a specific service that your company serves and then sometimes this is forgotten. With Perfex CRM you will never forget your potential clients and you will be able to manage all of them in one place. Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress. Ability to auto-import leads from email, add notes, and create proposals. Organize your leads in stages and change stages easily with drag and drop. Ability to auto import leads from emails and web to lead forms, import leads from. CSV file included.

11. Web to Lead Forms
Create an unlimited web-to-lead form and inject it into your landing page or website. This feature allows you to import leads into Perfex CRM from the form. Use web-to-lead forms to gather potential clients' information, allowing them to request quotes directly from your website.

12. Contracts
You can add new contracts based on your clients. Adding contracts is very simple, you can set a start date and end date and have a clear view of all your company contracts in one place. You won't need anymore to search in your desk documents. Create PDF contracts and send them to your customers from Perfex CRM. Contract overdue reminders available.

13. Tickets
Great support ticket system with autoresponse, private ticket staff notes, ticket assignments, attachments, predefined ticket replies, insert knowledge base link, ticket priorities, and ticket statuses. Feature for auto importing tickets via Email Forwarder/IMAP method included. Let your customer reply and create new tickets via email, without accessing the client portal.

14. Departments
Assign your staff to specific departments and ability to auto-import tickets by department email.

15. Custom Fields
Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads, tickets, invoices, companies, estimates, and more.

16. Staff Reminders
Set up staff reminders for a staff member with the ability to notify by email and built-in. Reminders are available for important features.

17. Theme Styling without coding
Style the CRM to your company branding with the powerful theme styling feature. To fit best for your needs create custom.css and add your own styles.

18. Events
Create private or public events. Receive a notification when an event is coming built-in and email.

19. Easily re-organize the admin menu
You can re-organize the admin main menu and the setup menu in a few seconds, you need only to login into your admin area. No coding is required. Add/Remove icons to fit your needs.

20. Email Templates
Set up predefined email templates from a text editor. Merge fields available and multi-language options available.

21. Staff Roles & Permissions
You can give staff specific permissions for what can or can’t do. Role permissions can be overridden for each staff.

22. Goals Tracking
Set up goals and track achievements. Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.

23. Personal Todo
Every staff member can have their own personal to-do dashboard which will allow your staff member to easily organize their work.

24. Staff
Manage all your staff members from one place.

25. Company Newsfeed
Share great company events, upload documents, and easy employee communications.

26. Staff Tasks
Assign tasks to multiple employees, add task followers, task comments allowed, and task attachments. Link tasks to many Perfex CRM features and stay organized.

27. Recurring Tasks
Create tasks that will be auto-created for a given period.

28. Surveys
Create surveys with one click. Send to staff, leads, clients or manually created mail lists. Increase customer retention via built-in Surveys.

29. Reports
Reports, Sales, Expenses Report, Reports by the customer, Custom date picker, Leads Conversions.
Knowledge base articles (Track if your article is useful to clients, improve text based on votes)

30. Knowledge Base
Add knowledge base articles from a text editor. “Did you find this article useful?” vote was included in the client's area.

31. Media Library
Upload files in the media library. Each staff member that is not an admin has their own folder for uploading files.

32. Auto Backup Database
Set up an auto backup database each X day to prevent losing your important data.

33. Sensitive data is encrypted
Perfex CRM encrypts all sensitive data in the database with the unique encryption key. Encryption is performed on email passwords, API keys, API passwords, etc..

34. Server Side Datatables
Perfex CRM is using serverside data tables to perfectly handle large databases.

35. Responsive
Perfex is fully responsive. You can easily access your data from a mobile or tablet.

36. Google ReCaptcha
Google reCaptcha is available for admin login, customer login, and customer register area.

37. Action Hooks
To prevent editing the core files we created action hooks for some important functionalities. Send us an email if you want us to include another action hook based on your needs.

38. Activity Log
Track all staff activity. Adding new items, creating, deleting.

39. Flexibility
Perfex CRM is really flexible, we have included options that will make Perfex CRM fit your company's requirements. Hundreds of options included, overwriting language text, for more advanced users custom CSS files to change any styles you want, editing VIEW/HTML files without the need to worry when performing upgrades,s and even action hooks.

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