Open Source SDK | Internal CS2 hack

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Jun 12, 2023



  • Features / Visuals: Added Chams.
  • Features / ESP: Optimized text rendering.
  • Features / ESP: Added 3D-box ESP for objects.
  • SDK: added collision-based bounding-box calculation.
  • SDK: added hitbox-based bounding-box calculation.

v0.4.0 ("Everyday" Release)​

  • SDK: Corrected indexes of CEngineClient after the game update.
  • SDK: Corrected C_TraceHitboxData struct.
  • SDK: introduced C_PointCamera schema.
  • SDK / Bone System: Introduced GetBoneName method.
  • SDK / CCSPlayer_CameraServices: Corrected to the new implementation (no m_iFOV property anymore, CPlayer_CameraServices class instance pointer reachable now).
  • SDK / CBasePlayerController: extended implementation.
  • SDK / m_szLastPlaceName: this property got moved from C_CSPlayerPawnBase to C_CSPlayerPawn with the game update.
  • SDK / C_BaseEntity: added a boolean IsPointCamera() check to C_BaseEntity class.
  • SDK: Cleaned the code.
  • Features: Organized features with macros and dependency injection.
  • Features / Drawing: Introduced a (Function class instance) wrapper for the methods related to drawing on the screen.
  • Features / Drawing: Introduced a mutex lock for thread-safe rendering.
  • Features / Drawing: Introduced RenderArrowToAngle function.
  • Math: Introduced functions: ToAngle, CalculateRelativeAngle, CalculateFOV, CalculateAngleRadians, deg2rad, FromAngle.
  • Features: TriggerBot: For now removed the smoke check due to update. Introduced a function pattern signature for further investigation.
  • Features: AimBot: Introduced a collection of methods related with AimBot. For now renders Enemies List.
  • Features: FOV Changer: FOV Changer with an option to choose different FOV for in-game view and scenes view (eg. match start animation).

v0.3.0 (First Stable Release)​

  • SDK: Introduced TraceSmoke function (returns smoke density between two lines).
  • SDK: fixed unload crash.
  • SDK: fixed unload pop-up "No" button exception.
  • Added new font: Red Hat Display Regular.
  • Fixed fonts allocation.
  • Trigger Bot: introduced "Max Flash Intensity" filter
  • Trigger Bot: introduced "Max Smoke Density" filter
  • Trigger Bot: introduced "Scoped Only" filter for sniper weapons.
  • Trigger Bot: corrected Trace Line end vector by the aim punch (recoil).

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