Third Person Shooter Kit v2.2 in Blueprints

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Telegram Staff
Staff member
Feb 5, 2023
Saudi Arab



Third Person Shooter Kit v2.2 in Blueprints:
Third-Person Shooter Kit v2.1 serves as a base for third-person shooter games. It's a 100% blueprint project, with detailed feature levels and notes inside blueprints. It contains advanced mechanics like weapon systems, cover systems, and robust AI.
  • Documentation(work in progress): Link
  • Tutorials playlist: Link

v2.2 Main Features:
  • - procedural ladder
  • - melee weapons
  • - melee AI combat behavior
  • - enemy presets - civilian, knife stabber, suicider, shotgunner, melee
  • - AI spawner
  • - buddy AI behavior
Road map: Link
If you have any questions before buying, feel free to reach out on Discord or e-mail!

Technical Details
  • Cover system
  • Human AI (hostile and friendly)
  • First-person aiming
  • Advanced weapon system
  • Impact system
  • Melee weapons system
  • Melee attacks system
  • Hit reaction system
  • Surveillance camera
  • Stationary and flying turrets
  • Items system
  • And much much more!

Purpose of this document and general notes​

This document serves as a help for the Unreal Engine Marketplace item Side Scroller Shooter Kit. It contains a general description of the mechanics of that package. This is an online document so it can edited depending on changes in the kit, feedback, or general polish.


Below are list of default key bindings.

Action nameKeyboard/mouseGamepad
JumpArrow up/Space barThe gamepad face button at the bottom
CrouchSGamepad left thumbstick down/
The gamepad face button right
ShootLeft mouse buttonGamepad right shoulder
SprintLeft shiftGamepad left shoulder
The gamepad left thumbstick button
Previous WeaponQ/Mouse wheel downGamepad D-pad left
Next WeaponE/Mouse wheel upGamepad D-pad right
DepthAimingRight mouse buttonGamepad left trigger
UseFThe gamepad face button on top
PauseGame1Gamepad special right
SlideSGamepad left thumbstick down/Gamepad face button right
Melee AttackMiddle mouse buttonGamepad face button left/Gamepad right thumbstick button
KickTabGamepad right trigger
Toggle CameraTabGamepad right thumbstick button
Move RightD/Arrow rightGamepad left thumbstick right
Move LeftA/Arrow leftGamepad left thumbstick left
AimingMouse X and YGamepad right thumbstick
Ladder move upWGamepad left thumbstick up
Ladder move downSThe gamepad left thumbstick down

Main features description - based on features level​

IDs are taken from features level stands.

1. C Character crouch​

Use S on the keyboard to crouch. On gamepad - B or left thumbstick down. You can walk while crouching. Crouch walk speed is determined by the variable "Crouch walk speed". Stand-up is blocked when a character is under an obstacle and does not have enough room to stand.

1.D Character sprint​

Use the left shift on the keyboard to sprint. On the gamepad - press the left thumbstick or left shoulder button. You can set the speed of the sprint by changing the variable "Sprint speed". Speed is also increased while jumping. To set it, look for "Sprint fly speed". Sprint can only be activated when a player is running forward.

2. A Aiming​

Use the right mouse to aim or the right thumbstick on the gamepad. When you move the mouse cursor behind the player, he will turn around. Crosshair points bullet target.
Crosshair (BP_Crosshair_3D) changes size depending on the distance from the camera. It’s driven by the float curve “FC_Crosshair_Size_by_Distance”.

2. B Depth aiming​

Hold the right mouse button or left trigger on the gamepad. to enable "in-depth" aiming. In this mode, you can fully aim like in the fps game and run, crouch, and jump. The camera angle can be changed using the "Toggle camera" key. By default, it's a tab on the keyboard and the right thumbstick button on the gamepad.


2. C Gamepad aiming types​

Gamepad aiming control type can be set (in both aiming modes) to procedurally aiming (like in fps game) or "move back to center" like in Shadow Complex game. Look for variables "Hit back in depth aiming?" and "Hit back in normal aiming?" in the character blueprint.

3. A Shooting​

To shoot press the left mouse button. On the gamepad - right shoulder button. You can cycle weapons using the Q and E keys and the D-pad left/right on the gamepad.In the character blueprint, you can set various settings related to weapons, like max ammo, shot delay, etc.

3. A Weapons properties​

You can set weapons properties like damage or recoil scale in the data table named "DT_Weapons_Player" for the player and “DT_Weapons_AI” for the AI

4. A Enemy component​

The enemy component lets you turn any object into a destroyable object with health.

4. B Enemy component settings​

Every enemy component can have different settings, like death FX or health amount.

4. C Enemy component - weapon vulnerability​

Enemy components can restrict reaction to certain weapon types.

4.D Enemy component - movement​

To enemy component objects, you can easily add interpolation to a component or rotating movement component.

5. A Checkpoint​

The player will respawn in the checkpoint pivot location after his death. The checkpoint is activated by entering the trigger volume. Bear in mind that checkpoint pivot shouldn’t be in geometry and change change “Trigger volume transforms” variable, not a whole blueprint. You can also set the statue whenever you want by editing the “Statue transform” variable.

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